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Souza (**M.Sc.** -- UNIFESP, 2017) - José Lázaro Siqueira Júnior (**M.Sc** -- UNIFESP, 2016) - Henrique Alves de Amorim (**Ph.D.** -- UNIFESP, 2012 ) - co-advisor - Henrique Fernandes de Campos (**M.Sc.** -- ITA, 2011) - co-advisor - Lucas Nadalete (**M.Sc.** -- ITA, 2011) - co-advisor - Alessandra Marli (**B.Sc.** -- UNIFESP, 2011) - Thiago Amorim (**Postgraduate** (lato sensu) -- ITA, 2010) - Luiz Gustavo Rocha Soares (**Scientific Initiation** -- UNIFESP, 2009) - Felipe Francesco (**Postgraduate** (lato sensu) -- ITA, 2009) - Paulo Prestes (**Postgraduate** (lato sensu) -- ITA, 2009) - Rafael Naufal (**Postgraduate** (lato sensu) -- ITA, 2009) - Ana Paula Gomes Pacheco (**B.Sc.** -- UNIVAP, 2004) - Gilson Santos (**B.Sc.** -- UNIVAP, 2004) - Raquel Rocha Mancilha (**B.Sc.** -- UNIVAP, 2003) - Débora Beatriz de Jesus (**B.Sc.** -- UNIVAP, 2003) - Daniel Rodolfo Balsys Maia (**B.Sc.** -- UNIVAP, 2003) - Aline Winck Ferreira (**B.Sc.** -- URCAMP, 2001) - Luciane Brugalli (**B.Sc.** -- URCAMP, 2001) - Vladimir Soares da Fontoura (**B.Sc.** -- URCAMP, 2000) - Jeferson Anversa Finger (**B.Sc.** -- URCAMP, 2000) - Leonardo Augusto Battelo Abbondanza (**B.Sc.** -- URCAMP, 1999) [[topo.gif] #top] =D.Sc. and M.Sc. Thesis= : SILVEIRA, F. F. __METEORA: Um Método de Testes Baseado em Estados para Software de Aplicação Orientado a Aspectos__. % download: [PDF articles/DSc_thesis_ffs.pdf] - ``4.5MB`` ## D.Sc. Thesis - ITA - Aeronautics Institute of Technology ## advisor: Prof. Dr. Adilson Marques da Cunha (ITA) ## co-advisor: Profa. Dra. Maria Lúcia Blanck Lisbôa (UFRGS) ## : SILVEIRA, F. F. __Ferramenta de Apoio ao Teste de Aplicações Java Baseada em Reflexão Computacional__. % download: [PDF articles/MSc_dissert_ffs.pdf] - ``1.1MB`` ## MSc. dissertation - UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul ## advisor: Profa. Dra. Ana Maria de Alencar Price ## [[topo.gif] #top] =Ongoing and Previous Research Projects= - An Extensible Infrastructure for Planning, Running, Analyzing and Packaging Experiments in Software Engineering - Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) - **Principal investigator** - Analysis and implementation of usability evaluation methods within agile software development environments - Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) - Assoc. Researcher - Programing interface for metadata retrieval on object-oriented language elements - Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) - Assoc. Researcher - Validation and Verification of Dynamic Crosscutting Concerns in Aspect-Oriented Software - Funded by: CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) - **Principal investigator** - Using testing and code search techniques in contemporary software development - Funded by: FAPESP (Sao Paulo Research Foundation) - Assoc. Researcher - An Architecture for an API Mapping Adaptives Objects Based on Static Classes - Funded by: CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) - Assoc. Researcher [[topo.gif] #top] =Curriculum Vitae= [[lattes.jpg] http://lattes.cnpq.br] My CV is available on the //Lattes// plataform at the [CNPq http://lattes.cnpq.br/5447376166964411] web site. ([click http://lattes.cnpq.br/5447376166964411]) [[topo.gif] #top] % =PGP Public Key= % % You can get my [PGP public key (GnuPG) here FabioFSilveira.gpg]. % % Fingerprint: **28A6 E906 BC3F 3126 7B92 9DE1 5BAC 5450 F2B8 6F85** % % [[topo.gif] #top] =Contact= - **"Snail" Address:** //UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo// ## //ICT - Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia// ## //DCT - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia// ## //Av. Cesare Mansueto Giulio Lattes, 1201 - sala 118// ## //Eugênio de Mello// ## //São José dos Campos/SP// ## //CEP 12.247-014// ## //+55 12 3924-9500 ext. 9770 (voice)// ## - **E-mail Address** fsilveira **at** unifesp **dot** br [[topo.gif] #top] =About this site= Suggestions, comments, questions, etc., please, feel free to send me an e-mail ... You are the visitor number [badcount.gif] since some day in 1999. [[315875.gif] http://counter.li.org/] ``This is not an official publication of UNIFESP, ITA nor UFRGS, and the opinions expressed here are entirely my own.`` | [[ufrgs.gif] http://www.ufrgs.br] | [[logoiiufrgs.gif] http://www.inf.ufrgs.br] | [[ita.jpg] http://www.ita.br] | [[unifesp.gif] http://www.unifesp.br] [[t2tpowered.png] http://txt2tags.sourceforge.net/index2.html] - [t2t index.t2t] - ``Last Updated:`` %%date(%c) %!include: ''extremetracking_ffs.html'' "Computers are like air conditioners: they stop working properly ## if you open windows..." :-) //(anonymous)//